You've heard the phrase 'Be Here Now' ?
To 'Become Present' means 'Be Here More'...
...something more is waiting to be discovered by you.
Becoming more Present is one thing.
Remaining more Present is another thing.
Be comforted as you rock within the waves of change now flowing,
for are they much needed in this time of great awakening potential.Be warmed by the rays of golden light now beaming,
for they do seek to enter your heart and alchemise the treasures held therein.Be delighted by visions of buds newly blooming,
as they reach forth and open their tender hearts to emit the scent of sacred love within the Earth.With gaze firmly fixed upon your purpose-true, walk the path of your becoming, slowly shedding all that no longer serves you well, to be transformed into a wisdom that carries compassion’s touch and grows within the light of the lantern that guides you forth –
the light that ever-burns within stillness.Presence and Possibility
You are designed to Become Present To What Is.
This in itself unleashes amazing experiences.
It is a relatively unknown secret that once you Become Present To What Is,
a Doorway suddenly opens up through which you can
Become Present to What Is Possible.
Ahhhh.... then!
over and over - more and more - fuller and fuller, each moment ticks by revealing new Possibilities
Life is what you make of it.
You need not remain jaded, numbed down, terrified, or dead like a Zombie...
You can start over... again...
If you Become Present, almost everything can change.
Perhaps this is the scary part... that once you Become Present to what is really going on, both inside of you and outside of you, your current conditions transform into doorways to change rather than remaining as walls keeping you imprisoned, as you may have thought.
This shift is what we invite you to experience through 'Becoming Present To What Is'.
When you become Present to what is, the demand from the Universe for you to show up has been fulfilled. The communication has been completed. It need no longer persist. (Communications persist until they are received.)
Becoming Present To What Is can be called 'As Ising'. There is a lot to learn about this.
Three Universal forces are involved in the 'mechanics' of Presence:
- The force of creation.
- The force of sustenance. (sustaining)
- The force of destruction. (denying)
For example, a Possibilitator is sensitive to the notion that making a Gameplan is a creative aid for being Present.
Yet a Possibilitator relates to a Gameplan (theirs, other people's, or even to a traditional or customary Gameplan) in a flexible and Attentive way. The reason for this is that if, for example, E.C.C.O. needs to intervene in the Gameplan, it does not have to destroy you or the Gameworld in order to destroy the Gameplan.
The Possibilitator is aware that Authentic Necessity only occurs in the Present.
The Possibilitator makes plans that are able to change, break, disappear, or transform in order to retain access to the Present.
With access to the Present, a Possibilitator can always create another Gameplan.
Your Being is what wears your 5 Bodies like a body-glove, like a jumpsuit, like SCUBA diving gear, like a space suit.
Your Being slips into your 5 Bodies one at a time while your 5 Bodies are coming together inside of your mother's womb.
Your Being slips into your PHYSICAL BODY and you begin noticing physical sensations, touch, temperature, pressure, sound, taste, eventually smell, color, shape, distance, movement, etc.
Your Being slips into your ENERGETIC BODY and you begin noticing connection, purpose, timing, status, balances, exchanges, space (particularly if you have a twin brother or sister in your mother's womb, particularly if your brother or sister dies before you are born and their body gets reabsorbed back into your mother's body and nobody knows that your brother or sister even existed except you, and you have no way to talk about or understand this for a long time...)
Your Being slips into your EMOTIONAL BODY and you begin noticing fears, angers, sadnesses, joys, and mixed emotions such as excitement, curiosity, nostalgia, sentimentality, despair, isolation, aggression, damage-joy, depression, hysteria, and so on.
Your Being slips into your INTELLECTUAL BODY as the neural networks in your brain and your heart become more complex and you notice cause and consequences, logic, questions and answers, language, humor, and all the ways speaking and singing can come to life.
Your Being slips into your ARCHETYPAL BODY as your Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage dock-on to your other bodies. For many years, until your authentic adulthood initiations begin, you may have no idea about your Bright Principles and Archetypal Lineage, yet they still add spice to your life. They influence your taste in books, movies, music, martial arts, food, relationship, entertainment, discovery impulses, invention inspirations, the kinds of offers you make whenever you have the freedom of movement to make offers (probably not while you are in school... because then your survival depends on conforming to the school system...). Your Archetypal Lineage works through your Archetypal Body after your other 4 Bodies come on line. Since school and modern culture so powerfully overemphasize the intellect, most people do not come into enough inner balance of resources to usefully bring their Archetypal Body into their lives. What a pity. What a massive loss of intelligence and Archetypal Ecstasies.
Often in modern industrial cultures we are born in hospitals with doctors and nurses rather than in a birthing space held and navigated by midwives and other mothers. The modern hospital limits what gets born to your Physical Body and your Intellectual Body. They are not interested in the rest of you. Therefore, much of your Emotional, Energetic, and Archetypal Bodies are left behind on the other side - unborn - to exist merely as potentials.
This is why you may decide to prioritize learning to Inner Navigate your Feelings and Emotions, becoming Centered, sending your Grounding Cord into the middle of Gaia, making your Personal Bubble of Space, distinguishing Low Drama from High Drama, taking your Authority back, taking your Voice back, owning your Gremlin, activating and using your 13 Tools, honing your 7 Core Skills, and then doing the following healing and initiatory processes:
- Distilling Destiny (distilling the Bright Principles that energize and inform you as a Possibilitator)
- Growing Up (Mom And Dad Process - done only within an extended Training Space such as Possibility Lab)
- Hidden Purpose (distilling the Shadow Principles of your Gremlin)
- Stellating Anger
- Stellating Fear
- Stellating Sadness
- Stellating Joy
- Entfaltungs Process
- Diaphragm Process
- Cleaning Out Your Relationship Space
- Energetic Body Retrieval and Chakra Integration
- Calling Your Being Through
- Box And Being (a significant adulthood initiation delivered in either Expand The Box training or a Possibility Lab)
Suddenly... well, not instantaneously suddenly... more like, eventually suddenly (because journeying through the above list of authentic adulthood initiatory processes will of necessity take you a few years...) eventually you experience your Being as distinct from your 5 Bodies and their various perceptions and intelligences. You are able to disidentify from your 5 Bodies. You are able to disidentify from your Box (your psycho-emotional-intellectual construct). These are the first two authentic adulthood initiations, the ones that were banned by the capitalist patriarchal empire 6000 years ago.
Of course you have your 5 Bodies, but you are not your 5 Bodies.
Of course you have your Box (your survival strategy behaviors), but you are not your Box.
Suddenly, like a butterfly freed of its chrysalis, your aliveness expresses a renewed freedom of movement!
Your Being can split its attentions and experientially notice itself generating the ongoing nonlinear improvisation in which Love flourishes.
The force of Evolution does not sleep. Regardless of whether or not you think you have it all figured out already, and you feel happy or unhappy about that, your Being keeps evolving!
In his 1968 book The Master Game, Robert S. de Ropp opens up the Possibility that you can become more elegantly skilled in the evolution of Being than modern culture may have suggested. If you do that, you no longer find it necessary (or possible...) to sustain (or avoid) your Being entering (or leaving) a specific condition or state, regardless of how ecstatic (or painful) that state may be.
It becomes clear that no matter what the state is, your Being is ongoingly Becoming, and your current state will come to pass. At various times you may regard this as either the best news or the worst news you ever heard. Each sentiment blossoming into the most fertile moment for you to write the book...
If it becomes part of your standard operating procedure to understand and relate to your Being as an agent of Transformation, or a force of Evolution in the world, and, at the same time, a thing cruising along on its own unique and rather unpredictable evolutionary journey, then what may at first seem like total chaos and insanity starts making a different kind of sense.
Understanding that your path is evolutionary at the level of Being does not perhaps make the actual moment-to-moment experiences of profound-boredom or sudden-terrifying-evolutionary-shift any more comfortable. The value of going out of your way to frame your life-experience as 'the evolution of Being' simply gives you a thoughtmap that more closely represents reality and thereby empowers you to create more accurate results.
Then in the middle of archetypal ecstasies, underworld insanities, or absolutely-empty-and-groundless meaninglessness you can still be the space through which your Archetypal Lineage provides its services to your village in any ways that are wanted and needed, even if 'you' (your Box and Gremlin) do not feel like it, don't know how, or couldn't care less.
You can then Be Present to your Being while it Becomes, or Be Present to your partner's Being Becoming, or Be Present to the context and spirit of your community gameworld Evolving. Things, then, can inexorably Become, unstoppably, directly under your nose, and you can functionally participate in and co-facilitate the Phoenix Process of the Becoming - the 'death and resurrection show' of the emerging transformations.
Would this be High Level Fun, or what?
You are as Present as your current psycho-emotional system will allow you to be, for various 'good' and irrelevant reasons. If you could be more Present already, you would be.
Without significant changes you will be stuck there and will evolve at the ordinary natural rate of evolution of Presence, meaning: not very much in this lifetime.
To become naturally more Present a little more quickly requires engaging in the work of the evolution of consciousness... the (r)evolution.
This is the kind of work that you cannot do alone.
We have learned from over 40 years of trial and error that trying to engage the 99 Days of Presence Expansion Experiments is doomed to frustration and failure without your committed willingness, and without Building your Matrix to have the capacity to go through the intensity of Liquid States in the Being Expansion processes that give birth to greater Presence in your life.
That is the reason we encourage you to create a 3Cell for yourself. Two Circles of 3 people each, with you in both Circles, at the center of infinite.
Having people in your 3Cell will strengthen your courage to Build Matrix and stay committed through the transformational Liquid States.
This small mutual support team can become a 'safe zone' for your vulnerable Rapid Learning processes and a 'home' with like minded friends.
Once you make your 3Cell - you already know who could be in it with you - committing to do the 99 Days of Becoming Presence Expansion Experiments will be a fantastic life-changing adventure together, guaranteed!
Check it out. We hope you decide to create a 3Cell for yourself.
It's a movement... the Global Network of 3Cells Movement!
Preparations To Help You Become Present
listening to both of these podcasts will build matrix in you to become more present
Listen to Robert S. De Ropp distinguish the Master Game (Part 1)
Experiment VIDEO.02
Listen to Robert S. De Ropp distinguish the Master Game (Part 2)
Experiment VIDEO.03
Your Heroic Journey
Venture to places of rare precision and possibility
through doing 99 days of Experiments
to Become Present
99 Days Of Experiments For Expanding Your Presence
DAY 01: All during the day, look for evidence of which of your 4 Brains has most importance to you.
Experiment BPRESENT.01
Read through the 4 Brains website to distinguish the characteristics of each of your 4 Brains.
Notice which of your 4 Brains has most importance for you.
Noticing your own dominant brain helps you get more clear about which of the 4 Brains is important to each person across from you. Try speaking to them in their dominant brain language.
A Team needs all 4 Brain intelligences included to be most creative. In each meeting see if you can include the brain types you ordinarly reject.
Become Present to your dominant brain.
DAY 02: All day today, notice which of your own bodies you are noticing.
Experiment BPRESENT.02
- INTELLECTUAL Do you put most of your time and attention on your thinking? Your stories? Rehearsing what you are going to say? The voices in your head about what you should do or have to do? Trying to appear to be smarter than others?
- PHYSICAL Do you put most of your time and attention on your looks? Your clothes? Your hair? Being sexually attractive? Your aches and pains? Your diet? Keeping a smile on your face? Being first? Being seen?
- EMOTIONAL Do you put most of your time and attention on your emotional soup? Your reactions? Your reactions to other people's reactions to you? Suppressing your anger? Your fears about what will happen if you are not being like others expect you should be? Your fears of the threatening or critical voices in your head?
- ENERGETIC Do you put most of your time and attention on who has status? Who should flow sexual power to you and is not? Who insults who? The timing of what you say? Who is paying attention to you and who is ignoring you? Who you are connected to and to what degree? What is expected of you? Who is in your space?
- ARCHETYPAL Do you put most of your time and attention on the vision you carry for bringing your gifts to the village? Preparing yourself to fulfill the next jobs that arrive on your bench? How to hold space for what you know is possible to come into existence? Building out gameworlds to honor the good fortune of being alive?
DAY 03: All day today, notice which of the other person's bodies you are noticing.
Experiment BPRESENT.03
Two useful resources for a human being are your Conscious Presence and your Conscious Attention.
Where you place your Conscious Attention is what you are Consciously Present to - what you notice.
Your Attention does not move for no reason. When you are not aware of the cause of your attention being placed somewhere then you are flowing energy into building up your own unconsciousness. Are you sure you want to do this?
Today notice where your attention goes to the 5 Bodies of each person you are around.
In your Beep! Book, write down your purpose (unconscious purpose...) for putting your attention on that part of that body of that person. This may not be a comfortable realization for you. Do it anyway.
Then notice which of your 5 Bodies the other person is paying attention to, even if they want you to believe they are paying attention to something else. Write that in your Beep!Book too.
DAY 04: In each conversation today, written, video, or in person, verify that you have heard accurately by repeating back what you heard in your own words.
Experiment BPRESENT.04
The sounds you hear in your ears stimulate nerve impulses to your brain in the Present. Your brain/mind/heart/energyfield/archetype adds meaning to the nerve impulses in the next moment. But what a mess! So many editorial forces are at work simultaneously pulling you this way and that way. What is the outcome of the message you receive? Even more importantly, how close is what you understand to the intention behind what was said? Most of us assume our interpretations are correct.
Become Present to your inner editorial staff creating confusions for you.
DAY 05: During your interactions with the physical, energetic, and human worlds today, detect the difference between Verbal Reality and Experiential Reality
Experiment BPRESENT.05
Read through the Experiential Reality website with the purpose of noticing that you have not been noticing. Thinking is different from 5 Body Presence Noticicing. Understanding is different from 5 Body Presence Noticing. Verbal Reality is a desert compared to Experiential Reality. Become Present to being trained to survive in a desert rather than being trained to live full out on planet Earth.
DAY 06: All day today, add in 'Become Grounded' as part of your experience of Becoming Present
Experiment BPRESENT.06
Start your day by setting a chime to ring randomly approximately once per hour throughout the day.
Each time the chime sounds do this procedure no matter where you are or what you are doing. (If you are driving, stop your bicycle, get off, do the procedure. If someone asks you what you are doing, you can say, "I am practicing being Grounded."):
- Stand up straight. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
- Put your Being's Attention on your Energetic Center, wherever it is. (Who did you give your Center away to this time? Your kids? Your colleague? Time? Money? Your mind? Your worry stories? Your fantasy worlds? Your memories from the past?)
- Use your Being's Will to move your Energetic Center from wherever it is to your Physical Center, located three fingers below your navel and halfway back in your abdomen (your 'hara'). Now you have Become Centered.
- Use your Clicker (snap your fingers) to energetically Declare your Grounding Cord connecting your Energetic Center to the center of the Earth. Your Grounding Cord should be 4 or 5 centimeters in diameter (1.5 to 2.0 inches). It should be flexible like a rubber watering hose. And it will have some color. The color usually changes from day to day but does not mean anything. What color is your Grounding Cord today?
- Tell someone the color of your Grounding Cord.
- Use some percentage of your Conscious Attention to remember your energetic connection to the center of the Earth, perhaps 5% of your Attention.
- Check with Gaia. With your eyes still closed, silently ask, "Hello Gaia. Do you have anything for me right now?" Then listen without expectations. Whatever comes, write it down immediately in your Beep! Book on a page titled Messages From Gaia. You don't have to do anything about whatever you receive. But now you have received it.
- Take another deep breath. Open your eyes. Continue with you life as a Centered and Grounded human being, with 5% of your Attention on your Grounding Cord.
Next time the chime rings, do the same thing. Before long your Energetic Body will adapt the to the new conditions of Being Centered AND Being Grounded. This goes a long ways towards supporting you to Become Present.DAY 07: For the whole day, only have metaconversations with people.
Experiment BPRESENT.07
A Metaconversation is a conversation about the conversation you are having.
A Metaconversation is when you speak about the purpose, the breadth, the depth, the level of Radical Honesty, the Pirateness, the appropriateness of what you are speaking about.
For example, read S.P.A.R.K. 197 which says: "Each time you listen to a Gremlin Rumor without destroying it, you become as contaminated as the person who tells it to you."
One way to kill a rumor is to have a Metaconversation about the fact that the thing that was just told to you is a rumor, and what it's purpose is, and why the person who told you the rumor is carrying that purpose around in their Being as a contamination, and why they wanted to contaminate your Being with the same purpose?
Wouldn't that make for an interesting conversation?
DAY 08: Pick up the first thing you see today and carry it around all day and night as a Presence Reminding Factor. Next day choose another one. Do this for 3 days in a row.
Experiment BPRESENT.08
Carrying around this object all day and all night will be a bother.
That is the point. Let the Presence Reminding Factor bother you. Notice what gets bothered in you. Be clear and specific about identifying what gets bothered in you. Is it your self-image? Your ego? Your fear of being identified as weird or crazy? What your boss or colleagues will think? Your invisibility? These are all forces keeping you out of the Present. They keep you in a clown show, or a ghost show, or a 'powerful guy' show. They keep you in inauthenticity because the show is not you.
Your 'nice girl', 'helpful person', 'useful friend' show is not you, so how can you be present if you are not you?
Write down in your Beep! Book what gets bothered by carrying around your Reminding Factors for these three days. Keep doing the next daily Presence Experiments while carry your Presence Reminding Factor for 3 days.
When your show stops, let something else emerge where your show used to be, even if you don't know what else is possible, even if you are afraid of what it might be and what might happen. You might be becoming a Possibilitator.
To Become Present is truly a big deal.
DAY 09: Lower your Numbness Bar when you are alone, 3 times today for 5 minutes each time, to enter more Presence with your Emotional body.
Experiment BPRESENT.09
Read through the Numbness Bar website so that you fully understand that lowering your Numbness Bar means you will be feeling more...
If this is a concern to you, then you might want to shift from the Old Thoughtmap of Feelings to the New Thoughtmap of Feelings.
If shifting to a new thoughtmap brings up fear you may want to study the Shift Identity website to better understand what you are doing already unconsciously each day.
DAY 10: Notice each decision you are making today in each of your 5 Bodies, both consciously and unconsciously.
Experiment BPRESENT.10
Making a decision is exercising your Power of Choosing, one of your 3 Powers.
The way you can detect when you make a decision is something happens in one of your 5 Bodies. This is extremely useful information because it helps you detect when you decide something but do not realize you decided it.
For example, if you notice a tension in your diaphragm holding back your breath, this could be a signal that you just made a decision.
If you do not already know the decision that you just made then your decision was unconscious. You can then use the tension in your diaphragm as the decision detector by following back the tension to with a question to yourself: "What did I just decide?"
The answer might me, "I decided to wait before I say what I want until the other person says what they want."
Or, "I decided to do what I want no matter what they say they want."
Or, "I decided block my heart from any feelings I might have about what the other person is going to say."
There are so many possible things you are deciding about all day and night that are signalled by foot movements, twitching fingers, shoulders shrugging, mouth movements, glances, etc. If you do not notice an unconscious decision it still affects your ability to move freely and create wonderful outcomes for you and the others and the Earth.
Once you become sensitive to the connection between your body and your decisions, you can help use your body's intelligence to make difficult or complex decisions. For example, if you need to decide if you should move to Fiji or not, Become Present with your 5 Bodies and then say out loud to someone, "I decided to move to Fiji," and notice if your body tenses up anywhere or if it relaxes. If it tenses up then your body is telling you that it has concerns about that. If your body relaxes then your body signals that all is okay with moving to Fiji. Then do the reverse test. Tell the same person with just as much conviction, "I decided I will never move to Fiji," and notice what your body does. If it tenses then it wants to move to Fiji. If it relaxes, then your body is telling you it feels better about not moving to Fiji. By doing this Decision Tension Test in both directions, if your body's answers are consistent in both directions you have a powerful confirmation of your choice.
DAY 11: In each conversation today, consciously lower your Numbness Bar 1% more each minute that passes, and tell the person you are talking to what percentage anger, sadness, fear, or joy you are feeling and whether it is a Feeling or an Emotion.
Experiment BPRESENT.11
This is a most amazing Presence Experiment. Almost no one in the world (seriously... this is a fact) almost NO ONE in the world distinguishes their Feelings from their Emotions. This means that very often people CANNOT be present because they think their Emotions are real Feelings, and they are NOT.
Make the time to thoroughly study the 4 Emotions website. Be sure you get it that:
FEELINGS come up. You feel anger, sadness, fear, or joy. You use the energy and information of your feelings to wisely live your life. The Feelings are completely gone from your body in less than three minutes.
EMOTIONS come up. You feel anger, sadness, fear, or joy. (Yes! The same 4 Feelings!) Expressing your emotions does nothing to solve anything in your life because Emotions do not come from you in the present. They come from your past as a child, from external authority figures (parents, teachers, church beliefs, corporate loyalty, political loyalty, etc.), from your Gremlin, and possibly from an energetic vampire riding on you.
EMOTIONS are not bad, or wrong, or stupid, but they are not Feelings from the present. Emotions are useful doorways for emotional healing processes, for growing up.
Feelings are for handling things. Emotions are for healing things.
Each time you feel an Emotion, write it in your Beep! Book , then as soon as you can, go do an Emotional Healing Process with a Possibility Coach or Feelings Practitioner.
Now you can Become Present to your Feelings AND your Emotions, and you can also Become Present to the Feelings and Emotions of others.
DAY 12: Starting now, notice that if your Attention is directed by your Story then your Box is running your life and you do not get to Become Present. All day today, consciously place your Attention where you want it, regardless of what your Box wants.
Experiment BPRESENT.12
Look in the dark places.
DAY 13: All day today, formulate your speaking such that you speak in perenthesis.
Experiment BPRESENT.13
To 'speak in parentheses' is a way to describe what it feels like to be conscious of the context of your speaking.
The context is the framework or holder of your speaking.
In this Experiment, make the context of each conversation your experimenting to Become Present. Speak from within the context of Becoming An Experimenter who is Becoming Present.
For 24 hours, alternate making your speaking parentheses in several ways:
- Pause one full second before you would normally speak and keep eye contact with your listener through that whole moment of waiting.
- As you speak, keep 20% of your attention on the Purpose of your speaking, that is, remember what your intention is (to Become Present).
- Introduce your speaking by first saying why it is that you want to say what you want to say (to Become Present). It may end up that for a while you are only saying why you want to say what you want to say rather than saying what you want to say.
- Pronounce your words with a different accent than your usual one.
- Formulate your speech patterns into the patterns of a different character.
- While you are speaking, intentionally place your attention in a new place every three seconds.
- While you are speaking, intentionally place your attention at the center of the black pupil of one of your listener's eyes. Choose one eye and stick with that one eye unwaveringly. Let a nonverbal metaconversation occur between your eyes simultaneous with the verbal conversation happening between your brains.
- While you are speaking make it a parallel but equally important purpose to mention one of your Bright Principles in at least every other sentence. Do not explain that it is your Bright Principle but simply use its name in your sentence. (If you have not yet distilled your Bright Principles we uploaded the initiation for you at the website.)
- Remember your own death as you speak (and the death of your conversation partner). While remembering that you and they will ultimately die, regard these sentences that you are exchanging as part of the last and perhaps most important conversation you will ever have with them.
DAY 14: Multiple times today, hold your Bubble Of Space 5 centimeters closer than usual to each person across from you today and then mention to them what you notice.
Experiment BPRESENT.14
An adult woman or man is Present in their personal energetic bubble of space.
This is your personal private energetic space. It should be free and empty from other people's energy. One way you can detect if you have someone else's energy in your space is if you are having a discussion or argument with someone else in your mind. Did you ever have that? This means it is time to clear their energy our of your Bubble.
To have a Bubble it is necessary for you to make it and hold it and keep it clean all day. At first this may take 15% of your Conscious Attention. After a few weeks you can maintain your Bubble with as little as 3% of your Attention.
You make and clear your bubble with your Clicker, one of your 13 Tools on your Possibilitator Toolbelt.
Your Clicker works using your Power of Declaring, which is one of your 3 Powers.
Your Bubble of Space is an experiential distinction in your energetic body - meaning that, when you are Present in 5 Bodies, you can feel your Bubble. Other people can feel it too. There are people in your life who will be disturbed when you become conscious of your personal Bubble of Space and clean them out of it. Their Gremlin will have to go eat somewhere else...
Inside your Bubble is your Space. Outside your Bubble is everyone else's Space.
This Experiment requires you to be a little bit rude on purpose, to move your Bubble of Space 5 centimeters (about 2 inches) closer to another person than is usual. Hold it there for 10 or 15 seconds and then start a Metaconversation about what you are doing and why: an Experiment to Become Present to your Personal Bubble of Space. Ask them what they noticed and what they feel about it. Thank them for helping you learn.
DAY 15: Multiple times today, hold your Bubble of Space 5 centimeters farther away from each person's Bubble of Space across from you today and then mention to them what you notice.
Experiment BPRESENT.15
The 5 centimeter bigger gap creates in the other person the experience that you are not Being With them. See how much of this you can experience.
DAY 16: As part of your conversations with other people today keep Scanning their 5 Bodies and report to them - as a question - what you sense as the need of each of their 5 bodies so that they feel fully seen and acknowledged by you.
Experiment BPRESENT.16
DAY 17: Keep it as your intention today to Go Nonlinear with your Intellectual Body while you are speaking with someone. Express yourself clearly enought that they can come along with you on the journey.
Experiment BPRESENT.17
Make 'right angle turns at light speed'.
DAY 18: Keep it as your intention today to Go Nonlinear with your Physical Body while you are simultaneously Going Nonlinear speaking with someone so that you gesture, move, make faces and hand positions, and hold your posture in unfamiliar ways to your Box's habits. In other words, Improvise.
Experiment BPRESENT.18
DAY 19: When you go into a restaurant to make an order for something to eat or drink, do not think about what you prefer. Simply point to two or three things without even reading what they are or how much they cost, and eat them with exploratory curiosity and without commenting to anyone about anything.
Experiment BPRESENT.19
DAY 20: Form your conversations today into a series of questions about what is really going on in your deepest most unconscious psychological nature. Answer your own introspective questions out loud. Listen to what the other person says, then ask yourself the next deeper question.
Experiment BPRESENT.20
DAY 21: Have utterly no interest in yourself or in your opinions in your conversations and interactions today. Put your interest totally on supporting the other person's evolution.
Experiment BPRESENT.21
For example, if you listen to what a person actually says and repeat back to them both the information and the feelings / emotions, then their message is complete and their life can evolve to the next level. They no longer have to be the person who is carrying around that old incomplete message. That life is over, because you were willing to fully receive the message.
DAY 22: Follow a metapurpose today to notice what you are noticing.
Experiment BPRESENT.22
Try to be as present as a cat.
Start each paragraph in your sharing today, whether it is spoken or written, including messages, voicemails, and emails, with the phrase, "I am noticing that...."
See what this does to change the state of your experience.
DAY 23: Follow a metapurpose today to notice what you are noticing with.
Experiment BPRESENT.23
Something astonishing and world-shattering may happen to you if you actually do this Experiment today. This is just a little warning to be prepared to let the astonishing thing happen. It is good stuff.
Start each sentence in your sharing today, whether it is spoken or written, including messages, voicemails, and emails, with the phrase, "What I am aware of right now is..."
See if your awareness is balanced in your 5 Bodies or if it tends to be dominated by one or more of your bodies.
See what this changes in the state of your experience.
DAY 24: Wear clothes today that are out of season. No matter what anyone says, simply say, "Yes," with no smile on your face.
Experiment BPRESENT.24
The old saying used to be, "Practice makes perfect."
But since the perfectionism thing is no longer in style, the new saying is, "Practice makes Presence."
The practice here is: Agree with the ordinary.
The realization is that disagreeing with the ordinary is, itself, ordinary. So when people make comments about what you are doing that are insulting, derogatory, complaining, nonsense, criticizing, etc., your practice is to agree, regardless of what it is.
If the bull is charging at you and you try to block the bull, that automatically makes a fight. But if you spin around 180 degrees so that you are facing the same way the bull is facing and stand at the bull's shoulder, you become invisible to him, and definitely no longer a threat to his belief system.
DAY 25: Today, try the Experiment of keeping enough Presence to Change Your Mind
Experiment BPRESENT.25
When you have already decided something the decision tends to become solid.
But you have not become solid.
You have continued to evolve in 5 Bodies.
What this means is that even if you made your decision only a few seconds ago you may no longer fit into the decision you made. Your Being may have changed shape.
Are you present enough with the shape of your Being to keep matching yourself to your decision to see if it is still working for you?
Even in the moment of enacting your decision, it may need to be changed to something else. Who will change it? Give yourself this kind of flexible space in which to be Present.
Here is where today's Presence practice becomes challenging... ask someone in your 3Cell to read and watch your way through the What Now? website. Take your time. Feel what you feel together. Think what you think. Then consider together out loud what you might want to Change Your Mind about.
DAY 26: Today, try the Experiment of keeping enough Presence to let someone else change their mind
Experiment BPRESENT.26
Read through the Learning Spiral website to understand how the Learning Spiral goes.
- Unconscious Incompetence
- Conscious Incompetence
- Conscious Competence
- Unconscious Competence
During your conversations with several people today, add in some spontaneous comments that come from Becoming Present with where you are in the Learning Spiral regarding:
Then explain the 4 Steps around the Learning Spiral to your friend and ask them where they are and how you can support them. See if you can be Present enough in your image of the other person to let them tell you new and unexpected stories about themselves that perhaps they never told anyone else ever before.
DAY 27: First thing this morning find something in your drawers or closets or refrigerator or cupboards that is no longer useful or valuable to you and carry it around all day with you.
Experiment BPRESENT.27
Put the thing on your desk, beside you on the bus, carry it with your hands into the field or the store.
At the end of the day, create a small ceremony for passing this object respecfully on to someone else or somehow recycling it.
Be sure to have at least one witness for the ceremony who understands what you are doing.
By the way, what are you doing? Ahhh! You are Being Present with yourself, a self who no longer needs the burden of carrying around that particular object anymore. Your are freeing up your attention and energy to have more Presence. Nice!
DAY 28: Arrange some way today to give a short class with an exercise and discussion about sharpening one's skills for Becoming Present.
Experiment BPRESENT.28
DAY 29: Start your day with making a Conscious Commitment to someone out loud in so that you have a witness. Then, no matter what happens today, keep your Commitment. No more. No less. Delivered on time.
Experiment BPRESENT.29
The first time you do the commitment exercise, it does not have to be a very big commitment. What is important is that you keep your commitment so that your word begins to have validity in the real world universe.
Later you can build up to making impossible commitments and then making them happen... but we suggest you learn a few more things about Possibility Management before you do this...
DAY 30: Commit today to make no stories. Then, make no stories. Find out what it is to Become Present in the world, in life, with no stories going on in your head.
Experiment BPRESENT.30
DAY 31: Set a Daydream Detector hairband on your wrist this morning to help you notice when you have exited the Present into a fantasy world. Find out why you are doing this.
Experiment BPRESENT.31
Each time you notice that you have been in a daydream or have been fantasizing about someone or something, snap the hairband on your wrist and write down in your Beep! Book exactly what it was about.
By the end of the day you may have quite a catalog of daydream topics or fantasy world theme parks documented.
Each time also write down what was or was not going on in your environment when you caught yourself daydreaming of fantasizing.
Consider the possibility that those circumstances may not be a valuable use of the time of your life, so much so that you would rather watch Daydream TV than Become Present to your life. Consider the possibility of changing your mind about spending your life in those ways where you find it necessary to substitute Daydream TV for life...
DAY 32: Listen specifically for voices in your head all day today that come from external authority figures, criticizing, praising, belittling, or insulting either you or others. Shoot each voice with your Voice Blaster. If you listen to other people's voices in your head you ignore the voice of your own here and now adult Presence.
Experiment BPRESENT.32
DAY 33: Today is Red Cloth practice day. Your Red Cloth is one of your 13 Tools as a Possibilitator. The Red Cloth has the power to allow you to Be Present and in connection even if loud noises and emotional energy are charging in your direction.
Experiment BPRESENT.33
DAY 34: Today, go out of your way to practice using your Purpose Sniffer. Remember that the Purpose Sniffer picks up your Purposes as well as other people's Purposes. Each gesture from you and from others is carried by a Purpose.
Experiment BPRESENT.34
Dealing directly with Purpose bypasses so many diversions and so much manipulation that distract from Becoming Present.
DAY 35: Live today in the two questions, "What exactly is wrong with here?" And, "What exactly is wonderful with here?" During your conversations, tell people details of both viewpoints, even if they contradict each other. We have parts. Each part has a different purpose. You don't need 100% agreement in your parts to Be Present. You only need 51%.
Experiment BPRESENT.35
By becoming civilized we have become less passionate about our lives. We neither love things nor hate things. We have become listless.
We have replaced being positively passionate with being negatively complaining.
The Experiment today is to have a prison break. Let yourself become a little bit more free of the construct of civilization. Let yourself say, "I totally love this!" and "I absolutely hate this!" Be responsible for what you say and who you say it too, and at the same time, experience the passion meter wake up from around snooze and go to, "Hey! The sun is up! I am alive!"
DAY 36: Today, interview the various people you meet with a few questions about what their Being wants. Ask, "What blocks your Being from loving to be Present?" And "What Experiment could we try right now that would attract your Being to be more Present right now?" Do one of the experiments they suggest. Write them down in your Beep! Book for future use.
Experiment BPRESENT.36
DAY 37: During this day, arrange to have short conversations - even with strangers - where you explain a particular way that you are NOT Being Present. Give them an example and evidence. Do not expect them to understand. Then go to the next person and tell them another of your techniques for avoiding Presence and your payoff for pulling back from life.
Experiment BPRESENT.37
If no one is there when you notice a new way that you are NOT Being Present, write the example and the evidence into your Beep! Book under the heading: WAYS I AVOID PRESENCE.
If someone listens to your explanation, do not act as if you are a Victim forcing them to be the Rescuer. That is not the point.
The point is to have a witness to what you notice about yourself. The witness confirms your moment of Presence about NOT Being Present.
DAY 38: Decide that today you will not smile. Most of your smiles are fake. The smile is a mask to tell everyone you are 'okay' and 'everything is fine'. But in the Present, you are NOT 'okay' - you are many different things in your 5 Bodies that change every few seconds. And 'everything' is certainly NOT fine. Your smiles are mostly inauthentic. Each time you smile today, put a dollar in an envelope. After today's experiment, give the full envelope to the first beggar you see.
Experiment BPRESENT.38
DAY 39: Spend your day trying to find the most quiet sound. Sounds have so many intensities and textures, rythms, melodies, purposes, causes. Only in Presence can you hear the most quiet sounds. Try to find the quietest sound today and listen to it with 5 Bodies. Afterwards, write about what you hear in your Beep! Book. It may come out as a poem.
Experiment BPRESENT.39
DAY 40: Today, notice yourself or others being Emotionally Hooked. Emotions do not come from the Present, so when you are Emotionally Hooked you are not in the Present.
Experiment BPRESENT.40
There are three ways to be Emotionally Hooked:
- BUTTON - A Button is a reactive mechanism on your Box. It is part of your Box design, and therefore part of the survival strategy you built, so when your Button is pushed you react with survival-level emotions. Buttons can be pushed either by circumstances or by people. Every time something or someone pushes that Button you react emotionally in the same way. Write down in your Beep! Book all the Buttons you notice in your own Box or other people's Boxes. Document both the Button and the reaction. Removing a Button requires a re-design of your Box. There needs to be a serious Liquid State in the re-design process, or nothing changes.
- HOOK - A Hook is an invitation to an Emotional reaction thrown at your Gremlin by another Gremlin (or thrown by your Gremlin at another Gremlin) for the purpose of igniting a Gremlin Feeding Frenzy of Low Drama. Two Steps are needed to avoid being Hooked by Gremlins into a Low Drama emotional reaction. Step 1: Go Gremlin Hunting. If you are successful, then your will Gremlin sit at your side on a short chain and you will feed him on a regular feeding schedule what YOU decide to feed him. Step 2: Use the Disk Of Nothing - one of the 13 Tools on your Possibilitator Toolbelt. Your Disk Of Nothing is a 10-centimeter-diameter golden ring surrounding a window into Nothingness. You hold the Disk Of Nothing out so the Hook goes into it. Since there is only Nothingness in the Disk Of Nothing, the Hook becomes instantly powerless and you can remain Present and in Contact without being hooked.
- TRIGGER - A Trigger is a voice that you use in your head to call in a vampire demon rider that sucks out your life energy for a few days or a few weeks as a way to disempower yourself as a child. Many children are too powerful for the adults to manage, so in order to not be left behind 'accidentally' at a gas station, the child figures out this way to lose a lot of energy. This would normally be handles in authentic adulthood initiatory processes, but since most of us did not have those, you must start where you are and become a Trigger Hunter.
DAY 41: Today, notice yourself or others getting Socially Hooked. You are 'Socially Hooked' when you give your Center away and unconsciously conform to social norms and expectations. The instant you are Socially Hooked you stop Being Present as yourself. Instead, you put on the straight-jacket of being artificially 'present' as the average of everyone else. This is like licking the bathroom floor...
Experiment BPRESENT.41
Hold a Gap In Space or a Gap In Knowing between you and all the offers made by everyone else around you. Then you can be Present as you (in your culture or your gameworld), and they can be Present to whatever degree they want, and you can freely interact with dignity and respect.
Their degree of Presence is not your problem.
If you hold a Gap In Time there might be a time-delay between their question and your response which could be uncomfortable for the others, so we recommend using one of the other 9 Gaps than a Gap In Time.
The blind assumption carried by most modern-culture citizens is that you are - you must be - you should be - you have to be - trapped inside the same set of assumptions, taboos, superstitions, beliefs, social rules and niceties as they are.
The group pressure exerted by this kind of mass Zombie assumption is strong enough to put most people to sleep and suck them immediately back into Zombieland without them even knowing what is happening.
Write in your Beep! Book every voice in your head telling you to be nice, be polite, hide out, play small.
Most people who have NOT done the 99 Days of Presence Expansion Experiments have no safe harbor, no self-made sanctuary in which to preserve their own Presence. But you do. From now on, you have this Sacred Space of Presence in which to stand, sit, lie down, or walk Being your own Presence without ever sacrificing it to Social Hooks.
The way to be okay with other people being embarassed, shocked, not understanding you, making up stories about you being weird, fear of your unpredictability and uncontrollability, etc., is to have, as one of your options, the identity of Pirate.
The capital 'P' in the word Pirate means conscious, radically responsible Pirate, not the ordinary small 'p' pirate who is an unconscious Gremlin running amok.
As they say:
Always be yourself.
Unless you can be a Pirate.
Then always be a Pirate!
As they say:
DAY 42: Starting now, discern which Ego State you are identified with, which Ego State is talking to you, which Ego State is talking out your mouth, which Ego State is feeling, and which Ego State is at the steering wheel of your life in this moment. In your Beep! Book, note the time of the day, which Ego State is in charge, what the evidence is, and what the trigger was.
Experiment BPRESENT.42
DAY 43: At 5 different times today, use everything you have learned about Becoming Present so far to navigate into authentic Presence right now. In those moments write a 3 line Japanese Haiku poem, where the first and last lines have 5 syllables, and the middle line has 7 syllables.
Experiment BPRESENT.43
The fear in my heart
Won't vanish no matter what.
I saw the future.
There is so much love.
Birds fly in the sky freely.
I sit here waiting.
What is she thinking?
So near, such a mystery.
I'm a lucky man.
I keep making the
same mistakes I made before.
What is the purpose?
Sometimes magic works.
Sometimes it fails to appear.
Moments of Presence.
DAY 44: Today it is time to Be Present with the Zombies. By using the word 'Zombie' what we mean is 'any person who is not conscious of the values of the gameworld they are playing in'. Four times today, gently approach someone who seems to be behaving as a Zombie and ask them a simple interview question to see if you can learn what it is like in there.
Experiment BPRESENT.44
If you are not familiar with the concept and importance of 'gameworlds', please review the details at the Gameworlds website:
In short, you support the values of any gameworld you play in.
If you are not aware of the values of the gameworlds you play in, you support them anyway, creating a world in which those values cause their consequences.
The theory is that if a person unconsciously supports the values of win-lose games, consumption, racism, superiority, arrogance, ruthless competition, racial prejudice, and destruction of nature, that person must be suppressing an equal amount of pain. They must be numb to causing pain in the world as a side-effect of staying numb to their own pain. Four times today, gently approach someone you might suspect of being a 'Zombie' and be curious about the level of pain they carry about their own upbringing, their parents, their family, their schooling. Be grateful for whatever they tell you.
DAY 45: Become Present to Bright Principles in the various Spaces during your day today. Bright Principles are forces of nature, facets of Archetypal Love, pure radiant consciousness. They can speak through you when you are the Space through which your Bright Principles can do their work in the world. How superlative to Be Present with them!
Experiment BPRESENT.45
You can distill the Bright Principles of your Destiny by following the instructions at the Bright Principles website:
When you know your set of three, four, or five Bright Principles you can Become Present to them with gratitude, with respect, and also with questions like: "What can I do for you?" Or, "What do you have for me right now?"
Five times today, get Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, and Present, and ask such a question to your Bright Principles, either for yourself or for another person who is with you.
If it is for you, write the answers down in your Beep! Book under Messages From My Bright Principles.
If it is for another, tell them what you got for them.
Being a Space through which your Bright Principles can do their work in the world can be quite exhiliarating... so please don't do it while you are driving... (Thanks.)
DAY 46: Split Your Attention starting first thing this morning and ending when you need to sleep for the purpose of noticing each of the unconscious behaviors you do exactly when you start to do them. Suddenly you Become Present to a new dimension of what is going on for you right now.
Experiment BPRESENT.46
You often use up energy and information performing unconscious behaviors. It is easier to notice these behaviors in others than in yourself. The point is, if you do not Become Present to what you are up to right now, you cannot be up to anything else. Unconscious behaviors include:
- Twisting your hair
- Picking at your fingernails
- Fondling your shirt buttons or seams
- Putting your thumbs in your pockets
- Picking your nose
- Bouncing your leg
- Tapping your feet
- Tapping or flipping your pen or pencil in your fingers
- Twitches in your face or eyes
- Muscle spasms
- Blinking your eyes more often than needed
- Hiding your pupils behind the rim of your glasses
- Pushing back your hair or keeping hair in your face
- Interrupting someone speaking before they have said what they need to say
- Not making boundaries and complaining about it afterwards
- Etc.
These behaviors are no accident. Each one is driven by useful energy and information, and therefore each one is a doorway to a healing or transformation process that is being avoided or not very successfully suppressed. To use the doorway it is first necessary to notice the doorway. To live your life and notice the unconscious behaviors - especially in the moment they start - requires splitting your attention. One part of your attention remains on the moment-to-moment experience and reinvention of your participation in life. The other part of your attention observes what is really going on. For this reason it may be useful for you to review the Self Observation website before reading through the Split Your Attention website.
DAY 47: Today, make sincere efforts to notice 'What Is' in as many details and dimensions as you can allow into your awareness all at the same time. Grok the situation. Perceive from all 5 Bodies. Let in the entire Gestalt. (Not while driving...) The Presence Practice today is to 'Accept What Is', as it is, here and now in the Present. The transformational part of this Experiment is to notice that if you successfully 'Accept What Is', you can simultaneously become aware of and then 'Accept What Isn't'.
Experiment BPRESENT.47
Becoming Present to 'What Is Now' opens a powerful doorway to Becoming Present to 'What Is Not Now'.
'What Is Not Now' may be possible and / or desirable to create, or it may not be possible or desirable.
Whether something is possible or not depends on your skills and also on reality.
Learning to also see 'What Is Not Now' is how you unleash your capacity to see the invisible.
'What Is Not Now ' is potential.
Potential remains invisible until the potential is transformed into reality in the Present. Then everyone can see it. Before potential becomes actualized it is not visible.
In order to do the impossible you must first be able to see the invisible.
In other words, clearly seeing 'What Is Now' allows you to become aware of and see 'What Is Possible Now'.
Seeing 'What Is Possible Now' empowers you to Choose 'What Is Next'.
DAY 48: Wake Yourself Up. Yes, in order to be reading these words you are not completely unconscious. But what will you do with what you read? Are you Present to what are you thinking and feeling on the sidelines? How long will you remember this moment? How many of your 5 Bodies are at full attention in this moment rather than being unconsciously absorbed in other things at other moments right now?
Experiment BPRESENT.48
DAY 49: Be a vacuum today.
Experiment BPRESENT.49
DAY 50:
Experiment BPRESENT.50
DAY 51:
Experiment BPRESENT.51
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code BPRESENT.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!